User will be directed to this page after a successful login. Login consider to be successful if a user successfully passes the authentication process. Authentication process include following requirements:
Customer login and password will be read from the table called Customers which is shown prior to this picture. The input login should NOT be case sensitive, but the password should be case sensitive.
If the login or password is empty, corresponding error messages will be displayed and the program will exit immediately without accessing the database.
If both login and password are not empty, the program will access the table Customers to verify the login and password.
If the login or username does not exist in the database, an error message “Login XXXX doesn’t exist in the database” will display and program will be terminated.
Similarly, If the login exists in the database, but password doesn’t match the record in database, an error message “login xxxx exists, but password not matches.” will display and program will be terminated.
If the login and password match the records in the database, “login.php” file will display this page including that user relevant information such as name, DOB, current IP address, age, address, transactions, balance etc.